Letter from Birmingham Jail Theme of Perseverance

One of the first demonstrations of the Civil Rights Movement was the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which began as a one-day event and ballooned into a 381-day campaign. African Americans organized an epic carpool system to deprive the bus line of fares. This act of perseverance by thousands of ordinary people catapulted the movement into the national conversation and showed everyone what persistence and patience could accomplish. In the face of wild hatred and petty obstruction, Dr. King told his followers again and again to keep on keepin' on for what is right. He himself persevered to his death.

Questions About Perseverance

  1. Why do you think that it so often takes years or decades for people and communities to win concessions and rights from governmental and cultural institutions?
  2. Why was Dr. King the ideal person to encourage his followers to keep their efforts going?
  3. What would have kept you going if you were part of the Montgomery Bus Boycott or the Civil Rights Movement?
  4. What role did the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement play in buoying their followers' spirits over the months and years of their campaigns?

Chew on This

Check out some potential thesis statements about Letter from Birmingham Jail.

Perseverance could get African Americans killed during the struggle for civil rights.

Dr. King became one of the great American heroes because he was also one of the great stubborn people of all time.