Letter from Birmingham Jail: Questions

    Letter from Birmingham Jail: Questions

      1. What is the current state of race relations in America? What factors do you think encourage racial conflict? What factors encourage harmony?
      2. Would Dr. King be saying anything different today if he was still alive? What causes would he be involved in?
      3. Why do you think Dr. King was assassinated?
      4. Why does racism exist and persist? What is it about skin color that gets people all screwy?
      5. Why were so many Christians in the South against the non-violent demonstrations of Dr. King and his supporters and colleagues?
      6. Why does King think that "moderate" whites are almost more dangerous that outright racists?
      7. The letter is pretty restrained in its tone, and King is trying to be respectful to the eight clergymen. What do you think he was really feeling while he was writing it?
      8. Have you ever witnessed a racist act and done nothing about it? Why not? If you intervened, why?