Letter from Birmingham Jail: Section 8: The Police Summary

They're Not All the Choirboys You Think They Are

  • "Oh yeah," he says. "In your letter, you mention how great the police have been. About that…"
  • Dr. King tells them that they obviously haven't been to one of these demonstrations, because the police are using German Shepherds and water cannons and pushing and kicking and swearing at Black people left and right. Young and old, men and women: they're all being treated inhumanely.
  • Although he admits the police have sometimes been shown restraint in their public treatment of protestors, he again reminds everyone that they're enforcing racist laws.
  • He argues that it doesn't matter how admirable the police are when they're being used to enforce unjust and immoral laws.
  • Then Dr. King asks why the clergymen aren't talking about how great the protestors are for taking all this punishment with a peaceful and patient demeanor.
  • He returns to his praise of the ordinary people of the movement, who he knows are the real heroes. He repeats that someday they'll be recognized for their greatness and how they fought for the best ideals and principles of America and Christianity.