Letter from Birmingham Jail: Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

    Letter from Birmingham Jail: Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

      You know Gandhi: the guy who led the movement for Indian independence from British rule in the early 20th century. Wait, what? You know him for something else? Oh yeah, that's because he also advocated for a lot of other issues similar to those of Dr. King and the American Civil Rights Movement decades later: ending poverty, eliminating the "untouchable" caste in India, arguing in favor of women's rights, and promoting ethnic and religious harmony.

      Controversial stuff, we know.

      Dr. King's strategy and philosophy of non-violent civil disobedience was largely influenced by his exposure to Gandhi's life, work, and ideas early in his education. Like Dr. King, Gandhi was a religiously and spiritually motivated pacifist, so he believed that even if the British Empire didn't have an enormous military advantage over the Indian nationalists (they did), violent struggle for independence would have been both unethical and unproductive.

      Sadly, he met the same fate as Dr. King: assassination.