Letter from Birmingham Jail: Tough-o-Meter

    Letter from Birmingham Jail: Tough-o-Meter

      (4) Base Camp

      Dr. King was a highly intelligent man. He was well-read, studious, and a scholarly theologian. He was straight up erudite. So there are some heavy-hitting, high-score scrabble words in "Letter from Birmingham Jail." But he was also a preacher, a man who made it his life's work to take the deepest truths he could fathom and preach them all over the place to common people in language they could understand.

      Translation: it's accessible.

      While it's self-admittedly a tad long for a letter to the editor, the ideas are like shining crystals; the phrases are balanced and even. At times you can practically hear him in your head as you read. Yeah, the flow is strong with this one.