1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Sentence)

Quote #4

[i]t's been during Democratic years that our strength to deter war has stood still, and even gone into a planned decline. It has been during Democratic years that we have weakly stumbled into conflict, timidly refusing to draw our own lines against aggression, deceitfully refusing to tell even our people of our full participation, and tragically, of letting our finest men die on battlefields (unmarked by purpose, unmarked by pride or the prospect of victory). (62-63)

Barry accused Presidents Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson of sending American troops into harm's way without a coherent plan, and without being honest with the American people about what was going on. This was one of his favorite topics to vent about, before, during, and after the election.

Quote #5

[i]t has been during Democratic years that a billion persons were cast into Communist captivity and their fate cynically sealed. Today in our beloved country we have an administration which seems eager to deal with communism in every coin known—from gold to wheat, from consulates to confidence, and even human freedom itself. (71-72)

How could we say that we're a free country with free people dedicated to all things freedom, when we're willing to negotiate and trade with communists? And BTW, Shmoop thinks plenty of people fell under communist rule during the Eisenhower era.