Karl Hess in 1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech

Basic Information

Name: Karl Hess III

Nickname: A 20th-century Thoreau

Born: May 25, 1923

Died: April 22, 1994

Nationality: American

Hometown: Washington, DC


Occupation: speechwriter and author… mostly

Education: officially dropped out of school at age 15 after attending random schools sporadically at best; eventually learned welding at Bell Vocational School


Parents: Josef Karl Hess & Thelma Snyder Hess

Spouse: Yvonne (divorced); Therese (survived him as his widow)

Children: Two sons, one is named Karl, Jr.

Friends: Barry Goldwater

Foes: The IRS mainly, but lots of people and groups moved on and off his hate list depending on which phase of his life he was in.


Hess was raised by a single mother who encouraged him to read and think and explore much more than she encouraged him to attend classes. Nevertheless, despite not even having a high school diploma, Karl was smart enough, nice enough, and gosh darn it people liked him enough, to become a news writer, a news editor, and, by 1948, a political writer for the Grand Old Party.

Karl co-wrote Goldwater's acceptance speech with political historian Harry Jaffa. Karl admired the heck out of Barry, and they got to be pretty good buddies for a while.

But Karl was a man of varied interests, and his interest in Republican politics took a big dive after Goldwater got creamed in the election and his once-beloved party started giving him angry eyes all the time.

So he moved on.

He became a big motorcycle guy, which led to him becoming a welder.


Yes, and we're just getting started.

Owning and riding a motorcycle caused Hess to have an epiphany, and this epiphany resulted in (in no particular order) him giving up his earthly possessions, divorcing his wife, moving onto a boat, remarrying, becoming a sculptor, forsaking money to take up bartering, accepting the Libertarian Party's nomination for Governor of West Virginia, and becoming an anarchist and semi-famous tax avoider.

Man, if we had a dime for every time we heard that life story.