Compromise of 1850: Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Section.Line)

Quote #4

And be it further enacted, That the legislative power and authority of said Territory shall be vested in the governor and a legislative assembly. The legislative assembly shall consist of a Council and House of Representatives […] An apportionment shall be made, as nearly equal as practicable, among the several counties or districts, for the election of the Council and House of Representatives, giving to each section of the Territory representation in the ratio of its population, (Indians excepted,) as nearly as may be. (Texas.Section 5.1, 5)

The territorial governments created by the Compromise are basically the same set up as the federal government (and for the official states). Even though there's a governor for the new territories, there's also a legislature that wields power and makes sure that the governor has limits. Checks and balances, yo. And isn't it something that the original inhabitants of the U.S. are relegated to a parenthesis? All this discussion about territories and governments, and…Indians excepted.

Quote #5

That it shall be the duty of all marshals and deputy marshals to obey and execute all warrants and precepts issued under the provisions of this act, when to them directed; and should any marshal or deputy marshal refuse to receive such warrant, or other process, when tendered, or to use all proper means diligently to execute the same, he shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in the sum of one thousand dollars, to the use of such claimant. (Fugitive Slave Act.Section 5.1)

The newer, more aggressive Fugitive Slave Act was freaking out the North. It gave the marshals more responsibility to enforce this particular law, whether they wanted to or not. Nothing says coercion like a heavy fine.