Compromise of 1850: Section 1: Clay's Resolutions Summary

Compromise of 1850: The Prologue

  • Congress wants to settle the current tension over slavery.
  • California should be admitted as a state, without Congress interfering with regards to slavery. They want to be a free state? Let them be a free state. 
  • Congress shouldn't make any laws about slavery in the new western territories. Slavery probably won't work there anyway.
  • Texas ends at the Rio del Norte. It does not include any land that should be New Mexico.
  • The federal government will pay off Texas's debt, in return for Texas giving up land that should be New Mexico. Plus they'll get $10 million.
  • Congress shouldn't ban slavery in D.C. until it's banned in Maryland and they can compensate slaveowners for their losses.
  • There should be a stronger Fugitive Slave Act.
    States get to decide whether or not they allow slaves within their borders.