Compromise of 1850 Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Compromise of 1850? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. With whom did Henry Clay make a "corrupt bargain" in the 1820s?

John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
John C. Calhoun
Hans Gruber
Q. Daniel Webster's famous "Second Reply to Hayne" was part of the debate over what issue in Congress?

The 1828 tariff and nullification.
The expansion of slavery into the west.
The U.S. involvement in Latin America.
Hayne's use of inappropriate "yo mamma" jokes on the Senate floor.
Q. How did the Compromise of 1850 impact Millard Fillmore's presidency?

It lost him the nomination in the next election.
It turned him from an almost unknown entity into an extremely popular president.
He used it to take on increasingly authoritarian power.
It didn't; he was too busy with his Sudoku addiction to really notice it had even passed.
Q. How did John Calhoun continue to influence southern sectional politics even after he died early in 1850?

His ideas about states' rights and the villainy of the North continued to be championed by southern politicians.
His son John Calhoun Jr. also became a senator, and continued to remind people of his father's ideas.
His death at the hand of a northern senator made him a martyr and galvanized the South against the North.
He left little inspirational notes and messages all over the Capitol for his colleagues to find for years to come, including "SC 4 lyfe" carved into a marble banister.
Q. What made Stephen Douglas different from Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John C. Calhoun at the time of the Compromise of 1850?

He was much younger and newer to the Senate, and not part of the famous Great Triumvirate.
He fully supported the Compromise, since it gave him a chance to finally implement popular sovereignty.
He had managed to get a position in the president's cabinet, which none of the others had achieved over their careers.
He was a Taurus, while the other three were totally Sagittarius.