1996 State of the Union Address: Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph.Sentence)

Quote #4

Yet Congress has voted to cut environmental enforcement by 25 percent. That means more toxic chemicals in our water, more smog in our air, more pesticides in our food. Lobbyists for polluters have been allowed to write their own loopholes into bills to weaken laws that protect the health and safety of our children. (60.1-3)

Another key part of political rhetoric is framing an issue the way you want it. Clinton is presenting environmental protection cuts as a health risk for average people. The Republicans would argue that such cuts reduce government interference and protect industries. It's two sides of the same toxic waste dump…er, coin.

Quote #5

Now I challenge Congress to go further, to curb special interest influence in politics by passing the first truly bipartisan campaign finance reform bill in a generation. (78.1)

Politics are, for better or worse (actually, it's probably for worse) pretty synonymous with "money." It costs so much to run for office that you need to be wealthy, or have wealthy donors.