1996 State of the Union Address: Equality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph.Sentence)

Quote #1

While more Americans are living better, too many of our fellow citizens are working harder just to keep up, and they are rightly concerned about the security of their families. (5.5)

Clinton suggests that hard work might not be enough in the new economy of the '90s (lol to that phrase). To make sure everyone has a fair shot, he thinks the government needs to adopt the right policy.

Quote #2

How do we make the American dream of opportunity for all a reality for all Americans who are willing to work for it? (6.2)

In many countries, especially ones that lean toward socialism, welfare and other government programs are guaranteed to every citizen, regardless of what they do. In America, that doesn't quite fly: if you want it, most politicians say you have to earn it.

Quote #3

I challenge America's families to work harder to stay together. For families who stay together not only do better economically, their children do better as well. (29.3-4)

The subtext here: a difficult family situation can make it much harder for people to compete in the economy, especially impressionable children. Democrats tend to think that the government needs to lift people out of situations that seem rigged against them.