1996 State of the Union Address: The Deficit (Paragraphs 10-16) Summary

Slowing Down The Money Train

  • The president waxes poetic about the benefits of reducing the federal budget deficit, or debt, and declares "bipartisan agreement that permanent deficit spending" or spending borrowed money, "must come to an end" (10.2).
  • Clinton challenges Congress to not only reduce the deficit, but also "balance the budget" (11.4). That would mean the government spends only what it makes in tax revenue.
  • He promises not to "undermine" (13.3) programs that people rely on for their security, like Medicare and Medicaid. So he's not veering completely to the Republican side of things.
  • The controversial president declares he is willing to work with both "sides," meaning both political parties, to create a fiscal plan for the nation. "Our individual dreams must be realized by our common efforts" (16.7).