Rules and Order Quotes in Here Be Monsters! An Adventure Involving Magic, Trolls, and Other Creatures; The Ratbridge Chronicles Volume 1

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Willbury raised a hand. "I think, sir, that it ill behooves one who has assisted in kidnap and wrongful imprisonment, handled stolen goods, aided in a plot for the destruction of the official offices of this town, been a member of an illegal organization, and connived with those who have been illegally hunting cheese and experimenting on animals without a license to cast the first stone." (53.30)

Way to go, Willbury. Now that the situation with Snatcher has blown up (literally), Willbury has enough proof to go up against the police, who've been collaborating with Snatcher all along. We know that as a former lawyer and judge, Willbury excels at playing the rules-game, and here we finally get to see him shine. You go, Willbury—take those corrupt police to task.