Rules and Order Quotes in Here Be Monsters! An Adventure Involving Magic, Trolls, and Other Creatures; The Ratbridge Chronicles Volume 1

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You've got a beam engine! […] Where on earth did you get it?" Marjorie said excitedly.

Kipper looked around nervously and Tom spoke up. "Err… we acquired it…" (16.5-8)

Pro tip: When a pirate says they acquired something, you'd be wise to raise an eyebrow skeptically. Luckily Marjorie seems too excited about the awesome technology to really care where it comes from. Willbury, on the other hand, who is super judgmental about such things, is a different story.

Quote #5

The Squeakers now came down the towpath as fast as they could without causing themselves too much discomfort. Emergency calls were rare, and as the Squeakers were paid by the number of incidents they attended and arrests they made, they were in a rush to get to the scene. (28.3)

This is just a thought, but maybe paying police by the number of arrests they make might not be the best idea. Of course, Ratbridge is a very special kind of place. Since emergency calls are rare, it could be that they don't have a very high crime rate. Or maybe criminals are smart enough to get away with their shenanigans. Either way, something about the police strikes us as a little shady.

Quote #6

"Drop your gangplank, sir! Any failure to do so will be seen as hindering the police in the course of their duties and may force me to arrest you and your entire crew." (28.33)

Uh-oh, the crew of the Ratbridge Nautical Laundry is potentially in trouble with the police for harboring Arthur. Willbury's attempt to smooth things over by implying that he is still a judge doesn't go well, either. Lying to the police: not the best idea ever.