Gigi Society & Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gigi.

Quote #10

GIGI: To take care of me means that I shall have my photograph in the papers. That I shall go to the Riviera. To the races at Deauville. And when we fight, it will be in all the columns the next day. […] When it's over, Gaston Lachaille goes off with another lady. And I have only to go into another gentleman's bed.

Now we know—Gigi understands exactly what's in store for her in her social role as mistress. She'll be living in a fishbowl and have to do things that don't interest her at all. And when it's over, Gaston's free to move on to someone else, even get married to someone in his own society. Gigi will be stuck forever in the demimonde once she's been in that role.

Quote #11

GASTON: Here is a girl, living in a moldy apartment, decaying walls, worm-ridden furniture, surrounded by filth!

We're confused, Gaston. You seemed totally fine there the other day, drinking champagne with the old woman and the little girl. It's the only place you were happy What's changed? His pride was hurt, that's what, so he stoops to insulting Gigi's family and social status.