Gigi Society & Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gigi.

Quote #4

GASTON: Ordinary common, or coarse common?

Gaston wants to know whether Liane is a poor romantic prospect because of her looks or her manners. Coarse would be worse.

Quote #5

GASTON: But a skating instructor.

HONORÉ: A skating instructor! It is always a skating instructor. Isn't that true Manuel?

MANUEL: Absolutely, sir. Remember dear little Madame Dumelle and Marmuluc the Terrible Turk?

HONORÉ: There you are. A wrestler from the Follies Bergere.

MANUEL: There was Madame Laura and the swimming coach. […] And Madame d'Albert and the riding master, Mademoiselle Monique and the weight lifter…Madame Bocher and the plumber.

HONORÉ: That's enough, Manuel. You made your point.

So the mistresses are always cheating with the regular guy even while they're being spoiled rotten by their rich boyfriends. Why would that be? Maybe the regular guys didn't treat them like possessions and were grateful to have them. Maybe having to pretend to be someone they're not got exhausting after a while.

Quote #6

GASTON: One can't be a Don Juan to one's valet, can one?

HONORÉ: I only keep him to prevent him from talking to others.

Honoré's just listened to his valet Manuel commenting on all Honoré's unfaithful girlfriends. Honoré says he'd get rid of him but then he'd just go gossiping to others. This little exchange shows how dismissive the rich can be to their servants.