Gigi Society & Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gigi.

Quote #7

HONORÉ: Play the game. Be gay, extravagant, outrageous!

Part of being "upper class" means playing the part, even when you don't feel like it. Gaston just never feels like it.

Quote #8

GASTON: Yes, I've had quite a full schedule lately.

MADAME ALVAREZ: Oh, so I've read! Oh you always do things in the grand manner. Your parties have filled the newspapers.

The best part about being in the gossip pages is never having to tell anyone what you've been up to lately. They already know.

Quote #9

GASTON: Forgive me, Madame, if I don't understand who you are keeping her for—some underpaid bank clerk who will marry her and giver her four children in three years? To see her married in white in a dingy little church to a plumber who will give her nothing but a name and the squalor of good intentions.

So being the mistress of a rich man is preferable to marriage to a working-class man. This would be an even more unbearably snobbish comment from Gaston if Aunt Alicia didn't feel exactly the same way. Gaston just can't believe that his social standing doesn't make this a no-brainer for Gigi and Mamita.