From Russia with Love Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from From Russia With Love.

Quote #7

BOND: She's leaving that to me. She'll do anything I say.

BEY: Anything! My dear James... You're not using this. It all sounds too easy. We don't even know if she's telling the truth.

At this point, it seems that Bond is still viewing Tania as a tool to manipulate in order to get the Lektor device. Where's the turning point in their relationship when Bond starts to have feelings for her? Does he ever have feelings for her? Is Bond capable of having true feelings for a woman outside of seeing her as a conquest or a means to an end?

Quote #8

GRANT/NASH: We were keeping you alive until you could get us the Lektor.

BOND: So you had me deliver it on a plate. That's brilliant.

Bond's accustomed to using nifty devices to achieve his goal, but this time, it turns out that he's been SPECTRE's tool to get the Lektor machine. It's an unusual feeling for Bond, being the used instead of the user, but he can appreciate an ingenious plan when he sees it. He takes it like a gentleman. You can bet that his brain is working overtime to see how he can turn the tables.