From Russia with Love Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from From Russia With Love.

Quote #4

KLEBB: Corporal, I have selected you for a most important assignment. Its purpose is to give false information to the enemy. If you complete it successfully, you will be promoted. From now on, you will do anything he says.

TANIA: And if I refuse?

KLEBB: Then you will not leave this room alive.

Tania's mission is to manipulate Bond with false information. It's hard to blame her; she's only following orders, and under pain of death. But as she starts to fall in love with Bond, it'll become harder to lie to him. Klebb's overt threats here throw Tania off the scent of the real operation. She's not working for the Russians at all.

Quote #5

BEY: They're Bulgarians working for the Russians. They follow us, we follow them. It's a sort of understanding we have.

It's interesting that the clandestine Cold War espionage SPECTRE and Bond are engaged in isn't the way things are handled in Istanbul, where the opposing sides seem to conduct their business in plain sight. But maybe that's to distract from the true machinations beneath the surface?

Quote #6

BEY: You'll like my Gypsy friends. I use them like the Russians use the Bulgars. I'm afraid it's created a blood feud between them.

In one breath, Bey calls the "gypsies" his friends, then says that he "uses" them to create a blood feud. Reminds us of how CIA agents are always referred to as "assets" in spy movies. Their only value is their use to the organization. At least they know that when they sign on.