Everything Is Illuminated Chapter 4 Summary

How It All Goes Down

20 July 1997

  • This chapter is a letter from Alexander to Jonathan, the tourist who oh-so-coincidentally has the same name as the author of this book.
  • He mentions that he is sorry that Jonathan lost a special box on the train.
  • He also apologies for doing "a mediocre job" (4.4) on their trip.
  • It seems that the first chapter is part of a book written by Alexander, and he sent it to Jonathan to proofread.
  • Also, we find out that chapters 2 and 3 are part of a book Jonathan is writing, which he shared with Alexander.
  • Finally, Alex shares that Grandfather is not well, and he's been crying over Augustine (which is the name of a woman, not a Ukrainian dish).
  • In closing, he tells Jonathan, "Please be truthful, but also please be benevolent, please" (4.13).