Everything Is Illuminated Chapter 26 Summary

How It All Goes Down

An Overture to Illumination

  • Back at the hotel, Grandfather, Alex, Jonathan, and Sammy Davis, Junior, Junior decide to have a drink.
  • When the waitress insults Jonathan for being a Jew, Grandfather makes her apologize (even though Jonathan didn't understand the insult.)
  • They drink, and Grandfather makes Jonathan open the IN CASE box.
  • They take turns pulling things out, like a pearl necklace and The Book of Past Occurrences.
  • Then… deep breath… Jonathan pulls out a photo of… Grandfather. Whaa??? He looks just like Alex (the younger) in the picture.
  • Grandfather has a hard time explaining this, eventually saying that the woman in the photograph is his wife. She is holding Alex's father. And the man with them is Herschel.
  • "Herschel was a Jew. And he was my best friend. […] And I murdered him" (26.56, 26.57, 26.58).
  • Whoa, Everything is Illuminated just got real.