Love Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There were moments, early on, when I considered running from Daniela. Not because I wasn't crazy about her, but because on some level, I was afraid of losing her. (10.594)

Maybe this is the real reason why Jason2 left his version of Daniela. He might claim that he did it to focus on his scientific experimentation, but perhaps he simply was scared of the emotional impact of potentially losing her. After all, he was scarred by the loss of his mother in childhood.

Quote #8

There is nothing else I want.

Just my Daniela.

I want her in a way I can't explain. (122.160-162)

Ultimately, Jason realizes that the number one thing that defines his universe is his relationship with Daniela. His apartment is fine. His job is swell. His son is amazing. But nothing is as important to him as his wife.

Quote #9

Is Daniela happier now than she was a month ago, with me?

Can I stand to know the answer to that question? (13.39-40)

When he finally reunites with Daniela, Jason can't help but wonder if she was happier with Jason2. It's a valid question. Does she prefer that new-relationship passion to the quiet stability of a long-term relationship? Does she prefer her life as an established artist?