Love Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She reaches over and touches my hand. Pure electricity. (5.369)

Jason's bond with Daniela is so strong that it's "electric" even when he's with a parallel universe version of her. Intellectually, he knows this Daniela not the woman he loves, but his heart feels otherwise. And actually, which Daniela is the real one? Is there a real one? Or is Daniela a combination of all of her incarnations?

Quote #5

He did these things so he could step into my shoes.

So he could have the life that's mine.

The woman I love. (7.520-522)

It's at this point that Jason realizes he was kidnapped by his parallel self so that the doppelgänger could feel what it's like to be married to Daniela. Oof. It's super creepy, of course, but we guess it also shows the extent of Jason's love for Daniela.

Quote #6

He looks at her with a smoldering intensity that reminds her of the way new lovers stare into each other's eyes. (9.23)

The big difference between Jason and Jason2 is that Jason2 treats Daniela as if he and she were new lovers rather than a long-time married couple. This is great, on a certain level, and it certainly makes Daniela feel good, but it's also a little strange. It just doesn't feel right, right?