Identity Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It's just that he's...different.

Different in a thousand tiny ways that might mean nothing and might mean everything. (9.35-36)

Daniela obviously doesn't realize that her husband has been replaced by an imposter from a parallel universe (it would be impressive if she did figure that out on her own), but she can tell that something's different. Even though Jason and Jason2 are supposedly the same person, they have very different identities.

Quote #8

His hands are trembling and his fingers curled in tightly, like they've been clawing desperately at something.

Only when he's ten feet away do I realize this man is me. (10.121-122)

Oh, heck no. Jason has already dealt with parallel universes, interdimensional travel, and a doppelgänger stealing his life, but this one takes the cake. If we're guessing, we'd say that this version of Jason is one that ended up inside the box without any ampoules left, leaving him forever trapped in Schrödinger's endless hallway.

Quote #9

If you strip away all the trappings of personality and lifestyle, what are the core components that make me me? (11.35)

This is a question everyone asks him- or herself at some point or another, but it becomes a lot more relevant when you're literally dealing with parallel-universe versions of yourself—most of whom want to kill you. Sort of raises the stakes.