Identity Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"In one of those ponds out there, do you think there's another version of you that stuck with the research? [...] And there's maybe a version of me that's a famous artist?" (6.65-67)

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. You know, we usually think about our sense of "self" in terms of the choices we make, but this really throws a wrench into things. Although you may have made a specific choice, there's another version of yourself out there who went in the complete opposite direction.

Quote #5

I feel ashamed, like I lost a race to a better opponent. A man of epic vision built this box. A smarter, better me. (7.168-169)

Interestingly, Jason feels jealous that there's another version of him out there who's like the greatest scientist of all time. It highlights the misgivings he still struggles with over the unceremonious way he ended his research career.

Quote #6

The other Jason, the one who built the box—he did this to me. (7.527)

Boom. Talk about a big reveal. Jason is now forced to confront the fact that the monster who kidnapped him and stole his life was himself. Freaky.