The Home Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I miss my run-down brownstone that I never had the money to properly remodel. (7.399-501)

Jason gets so homesick that he even misses the less-than-good parts of his old life. He would give up all his scientific prowess in an instant if he could only get back what he's lost.

Quote #5

"At least you have a destination. A world you want to get back to. I can't return to mine, so where does that leave me?" (8.479)

We spend a lot of time thinking about Jason's home, but what about Amanda? She'll never be able to return to hers. That's a terrifying thought on one level, but it also opens her up to limitless possibilities for the future. She can go literally anywhere she wants.

Quote #6

This world, for all its grandeur, isn't my home. (10.90)

Some of the parallel universes are pretty sweet—like Future Chicago—but they don't quite scratch the itch for our boy Jason. Home isn't necessarily the objectively best or most comfortable place of all possible places; it's the place that means the most to you.