The Home Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This isn't my world.

And still, my heart feels tethered to the second floor of this house in a bedroom where some version of my son lies dead. (10.265)

Even though Jason knows that these parallel universes are not his own, he can't shake his feelings of connection with them. This is especially prominent in the plague-ridden version of Chicago, as he's forced to confront his worst fears of something terrible happening to his family.

Quote #8

I stare at the page and begin to write down every detail of my Chicago that comes to mind. I paint my life with words. (10.669)

Jason writes down everything he can think of about home, from the sights and smells of his walk to work in the morning, to the near-perfect floor plan of his brownstone. This is what defines home for him—or at least that's what he thinks.

Quote #9

Over the last month, I've been in Chicagos that looked similar, but there's something different about this one. (13.18)

It's interesting that Jason immediately knows that he's in his home universe as soon as he emerges from the box. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's just a lucky guess?