Disappointment Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In this moment, my world seems so safe and perfect. I see now—I took all that comfort for granted. It was so good, and there were so many ways it could've all gone to pieces. (10.358)

Although Jason sometimes gets caught up feeling bad about his wasted potential, he eventually realizes that he should treasure the life he's built for himself. So much could have gone wrong: Daniela could have left him; Charlie could have been born with a disease. Heck, Jason could have sprouted a third arm out of the middle of his forehead. The possibilities are infinite.

Quote #8

And maybe I can let go of the sting and resentment of the path not taken, because the path not taken isn't just the inverse of who I am. It's an infinitely branching system. (11.218)

This is a key realization. There isn't some either-or proposition between being a famous scientist and a good father—there's an infinite range of possibilities between those two poles, some good, some bad, and some downright weird. Like, there's probably one universe where Daniela turns out to be an alien who hatches her eggs inside Jason's body. Hey—it could happen.

Quote #9

I tell her about the Plexiglas labyrinth. [...]

It makes her eyes light up.

And it makes her sad. (14.323-325)

Our Daniela has mixed feelings when Jason tells her about Daniela2's art exhibit. On a certain level, it heightens the feelings of disappointment she works hard to keep under wraps. It's proof, in a way, that she really could have made it if she had chosen to.