Disappointment Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I say, "My life is great. It's just not exceptional. And there was a time when it could have been." (1.539)

This is the root of Jason's disappointment—that he's become content to live a small life rather than a big one. It's a valid fear. Still, based on Jason2's disposition, we don't really think he has anything to regret.

Quote #5

My Daniela carries a weight and a distance in her eyes that scares me sometimes.

This Daniela is an inch off the ground. (5.283-284)

Jason's mind is bent 360 degrees when he meets Daniela2. She has none of the "weight" that his Daniela carries with her, and she seems genuinely happy to be a successful artist. So does that mean Daniela would have been happier as an artist than as a wife and mother? It's tough to say.

Quote #6

And Jason looks as happy as she's seen him in years. Weightless is the word that comes to mind. (6.11)

In a similar way, Jason2 doesn't carry that tinge of regret that's always simmering beneath our Jason's surface. Of course, as we know, Jason2 is disappointed with his life, but in this case, the disappointment just so happens to be aimed in the complete opposite direction.