Choices Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If there is an endless possibility of doors, then from a statistical perspective, the choice itself means everything and nothing. (8.59)

With an infinite amount of doors to choose from, Jason has a next-to-zero chance of finding his home universe by chance. It's all but impossible. Of course, we later learn that Jason's emotional state is what defines the world he enters, which gives him a lot more agency over the situation than he thinks.

Quote #8

"Jason was obsessed with the path not taken. He talked about it all the time." (8.594)

He's so obsessed with this concept, in fact, that he creates a hyper-advanced vehicle capable of turning back the clock on his decisions. Talk about an extreme case of FOMO: this one's darn near terminal.

Quote #9

Some version of me certainly kissed her in this moment.

Some version knows the answer.

But it won't be me. (11.117-119)

This is a great way of illustrating the way that choices create parallel universes in Dark Matter. While our Jason chooses to stay true to his wife and continue his search, this moment creates another Jason who makes out with Amanda and takes a different path. And then that Jason creates other Jasons when making decisions about their relationship. Holy smokes.