Choices Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Then you told me that our existence was all about choices, and that you had blown some of them, but none so badly as with me." (5.397)

Here, Daniela2 is talking about a conversation she had with Jason2 that inspired her art exhibit. As we can see, Jason2 is obsessed with the concept of choice—likely because he has always regretted his decision to put his career before his relationship with Daniela2. It's no wonder he creates the box, right?

Quote #5

"I think about all the choices we've made that created this moment. [...] Then I think of all the possible events that could have stopped this moment from ever happening." (6.45)

If Jason had never gone to that college party, he would never have met Daniela. Or, if he had been in a particularly bad mood, he might not have gone over to talk to her. Or, if he had got too drunk and had tripped and fallen as he was introducing himself, she might never have got with him. In any situation, there are a million tiny choices that have wide-ranging, unforeseen consequences.

Quote #6

"It's terrifying when you consider that every thought we have, every choice we could possibly make, branches into a new world." (6.47)

Dark Matter's conception of the multiverse is based entirely on the concept of choice. According to this book's understanding of quantum theory, no one actually makes one single choice—we actually make every available choice, and those different choices each split off into different realities. That makes our brains spin.