Guilt and Blame Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

We know that Carrie was the victim of her mother's religious mania. (2.37)

Carrie most certainly was the victim of her mom's craziness. But does that exempt her from blame for murdering so many people?

Quote #8

[Billy] thought about wiping the buckets […] Kenny's prints would be on them, Don's and Steve's as well. But it was better not to. Maybe they would have a little surprise on Saturday morning. (2.187)

Billy Nolan doesn't just get excited about dumping blood on Carrie. He also gets excited about trying to pin the blame on his friends. That's pretty messed up.

Quote #9

[Carrie] is the girl they keep calling a monster. I want you to keep that firmly in mind. The girl who could be satisfied with a hamburger and a dime root beer after her only school dance so her momma wouldn't be worried. (2.197)

Sue tries to put things into perspective here. It's pretty easy to blame Carrie and call her a monster after everything she did, especially if one of your family members died in the carnage. But Sue tries to remind us that everyone has a story.