Guilt and Blame Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I did a not-so-good thing today." (1.277)

Sue has a difficult time admitting that bullying Carrie was wrong. She has an even more difficult time trying to figure out how to atone for her bullying, and this line marks the beginning of that struggle.

Quote #5

"That goddamned Carrie White! I wish she'd take her goddam holy joe routine and stuff it straight up her ass!" (1.515)

Chris Hargensen bullies Carrie relentlessly. But she seems to blame everything on Carrie, as though it's Carrie's fault that she's just so completely bully-able. Do you think Chris will ever take any responsibility for her actions?

Quote #6

"Hardly anybody ever finds out that their actions really, actually, hurt other people!" (1.586)

Do you think this is true? By the end of Carrie, Sue Snell seems to be the only one who realizes that her actions hurt Carrie… and caused Carrie to hurt others. Of course, pretty much all of the people who hurt Carrie are dead now.