How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
I understood, ultimately, that the court case earlier in the day was not Denny's criminal trial, but a custody hearing, a hearing that had been delayed over and over, put off for months because the lawyers were going to their houses on Lopez Island with their own families and the judge was going to Cle Elum to his ranch. I felt betrayed; I knew that those people, those officials of the court, had no clue as to the feelings I had witnessed that night at the dinner table. (40.43)
This serves as both an emotional disconnect and a financial one. It shows us that while Denny and Zoë and Enzo are down in the trenches dealing with their problems, the ones making the decisions about their lives are so far removed from the situation that, to Enzo's mind, they seem totally oblivious to it. It's okay, Enzo. We hear Lopez Island doesn't even have Jennifer Lopez living on it, so it's clearly overrated.
Quote #8
"Denny paid his account with Mark Fein. Shortly afterward, Mark Fein was appointed to be a circuit judge, something about which I know little, except that it is a lifetime appointment, it is very prestigious, and it is not refusable." (45.1)
So long, Mark Fein. We hardly knew you. There may be honor among thieves, but there's no honor among lawyers—at least this lawyer.
Quote #9
I learned that his parents had not paid for his testing program in France, as Denny had claimed; he paid for that with a home equity loan I learned that his parents had not contributed to the sponsorship of the touring car season, as Denny had said; he paid for that with a second mortgage, which Eve had encouraged. (55.2)
Although Denny's social standing and financial stability is evident throughout the book, he always presents himself as someone who has everything under control. Enzo, for one, never knew where some of this money came from, which show us that Denny is more of a private person than we thought—and that his parents had been less of an influence in his life than we'd imagined. Seriously, we thought they weren't even real until we got to Chapter 52.