How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"What is he contributing to your family? You make all the money!"
"He's my husband and he's Zoë's father, and I love him. What else does he need to contribute to our family?" (15.11-12)
Great burn, Eve. You tell 'em. We would like to be more analytical here, but really, we're just impressed that Eve is so levelheaded even though her parents are callous jerks.
Quote #5
Denny looked down at his shoes, the same old three-quarter boots he liked to hike in; he wanted a new pair, I knew because he told me, but he didn't want to spend the money he said, and I think he held out hope that someone would get him a pair for his birthday or Christmas or something. But no one ever did. (19.34)
Denny's frugality regarding himself translates to generosity for his family. It indicates a certain amount of selflessness, because he doesn't want to go out of his way to spend money on himself when what he has is fine, though he also knows that new boots aren't as necessary as groceries.
Quote #6
"Do I have a lawyer?" [Denny] said to himself. "I work at the most prestigious BMW and Mercedes service center in Seattle. Who does he think he's dealing with? I have a good relationship with all the best lawyers in this town. And I have their home phone numbers." (29.121)
Sometimes money isn't as important as social standing, and in this case, Denny can use his job to his advantage by maintaining a good relationship with the lawyers who have the fancy cars he maintains. Sneaky move, Denny, but we like it. Sometimes connections can get you everywhere.