Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Control Quotes
"You don't mind if I love him too, do you? I won't come between you." I respected her for asking, but I knew that she would come between us, so I found her preemptive denial to be disingenuous. (4....
Money Quotes
When it was just Denny and me, he used to make up to ten thousand dollars a month just by calling people on the telephone, like the commercial said. But after Eve became pregnant, he took his job b...
Death Quotes
When Denny was away and Eve fed me and she leaned down to give me my bowl of food and my nose was near her head, I had detected a bad odor, like rotting wood, mushrooms, decay. Wet, soggy, decay. I...
Travel, Separation, and Distance Quotes
And she roused Zoë and stuffed her little kid feet into her little-kid sneakers and—bang—the door slammed shut and—snick snick—the deadbolt was thrown and they were gone. And I wasn't gone...
Love Quotes
He is so brilliant. He shines. He's beautiful with his hands that grab things and his tongue that says things and the way he stands and chews his food for so long, mashing it into a paste before he...
Humanity Quotes
I am very ready to be a man now, though I realize I will lose all that I have been. All of my memories, all of my experiences. I would like to take them with me into my next life—there is so much...
Food Quotes
Since that time I have been wary of trying new foods that might upset my system, and I have never accepted food from someone I didn't fully trust. (15.30)
Family Quotes
"Take it easy, kid," he says, pressing down on my chest to calm me. "I've got you." (1.15)