Death Quotes in The Art of Racing in the Rain

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was on that squirrel and it had no chance. I was ruthless. My jaws slapped down on it, cracking its back, my teeth ripped into its fur and I shook it to death after that, for good measure, I shook it until I heard its neck snap in two. (28.10)

Obligatory yuck aside, this is a scene of death that's meant to alleviate the pain of another death. Enzo doesn't know how to react to the news of Eve's death, so he does the first thing that comes to mind, which is apparently to kill and eat a squirrel.

Quote #8

When they were all gone, we walked down the hill and we stood before the mound of dirt and we cried. We kneeled and we cried and we grabbed handfuls of the dirt, the mound, and we felt the last bit of her, the last part of her that we could feel, and we cried. (36.63)

This is a cathartic moment for Denny and Enzo, because up until this moment, they've been so caught up in the custody battle and the rape charges and the entanglement with lawyers that Eve's death has faded to the background. Here, they get to cry out with their pain, their frustration, and their loss.

Quote #9

I thought of Eve and how quickly she embraced her death once the people around her agreed to it; I considered the foretelling of my own end, which was to be full of suffering and pain, as death is believed to be by most of the world, and I tried to look away. (37.16)

The parallels Enzo draws between his own impending death and Eve's death brings together ideas about death and control. After receiving his diagnosis, Enzo wonders if he's strong enough to choose a different path for himself, to take control despite this news. Since he can't drive, taking a different path might be a problem. It's not like they're going to give a dog a driver's license, right?