Death Quotes in The Art of Racing in the Rain

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Until what?" Denny demanded. I could hear the irritation in his voice. "How do you know what's going to happen? You're condemning her to something before you even know."


"Please, Denny. We have to face the reality of it. The doctor said six to eight months. He was quite definite." (23.38-40)

This interaction shows Trish and Maxwell's opinion of Eve's diagnosis, as opposed to Denny's. Denny, who doesn't give up for anything, isn't willing to sell Eve out to her diagnosis, while Maxwell and Trish are preparing for the reality of it.

Quote #5

"Today is the first day I am not dead," Eve said, "And we're having a party." (27.12)

It's important that Eve says that she "is not dead," not that "she doesn't feel dead." It could mean that she has felt dead up until this point, and now that she knows she will die, she isn't dead, because death isn't the end. That seems ironic—and really sad.

Quote #6

"Don't you see?" [Eve] asked. "I'm not afraid of it anymore. I wanted you with me before because I wanted you to protect me, but I'm not afraid of it anymore. Because it's not the end." (27.22)

This is Eve coming to terms with the final stages of her illness. She's accepting her death and looking ahead to it with a clear conscience and a brave face. Enzo remembers this and thinks Eve's incredibly brave for being able to go through it this way.