Power Quotes in A Man for All Seasons

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)

Quote #4

HENRY: [...] Be seated—it was villainy then! Yes, villainy. I was right to break him; he was all pride, Thomas; a proud man; pride right through. And he failed me! (1.548)

Yikes—take a chill pill, buddy. The conversation between Henry and More at More's home is an important one, as it's the first (and last) time we meet this mighty regent in the flesh. And boy, does he put on a show. Although things start off cordially, it quickly becomes clear that Henry won't cotton to anything that undermines his power.

Quote #5

HENRY: [...] It is my bounden duty to put away the Queen, and all the Popes back to St. Peter shall not come between me and my duty! How it that you cannot see? (1.564)

Although it might be tempting to paint Henry as an out-of-control King who's obsessed with his own power, it's a little more complicated than that. After all, Henry has the entire country of England riding on his back, for better or for worse—that kind of pressure can get to your head. What's more, he knows that there will be steep consequences if he is unable to produce an heir.

Quote #6

HENRY: No opposition, I say! No opposition! Your conscience is your own affair, but you are my Chancellor! (1.584)

As his conversation with More continues, Henry drops the intellectual trappings of his anti-Catholicism argument and lays his cards on the table—More will do what he says because the King is saying it. In other words, More better check himself before he wrecks himself.