Rules and Order Quotes in A Man for All Seasons

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)

Quote #1

MORE: (Draws up his sleeve, baring his arm) There is my right arm [...] Take your dagger and saw it from my shoulder [...] if by that means I can come with Your Grace with a clear conscience. (1.525)

This is a littlemelodramatic, but we'll cut More some slack. See, he's actually a pretty conservative guy: he follows the law to the letter and has a great deal of respect for his boss, King Henry. That's why he's so confused about what to do regarding the King's divorce. No matter what he chooses, he'll end up betraying the political system he's spent his life defending.

Quote #2

HENRY: I have no Queen! Catherine is not my wife and no priest can make her so, and they that say she is my wife are not only liars...but traitors! Mind it, Thomas. (1.586)

Here, Henry is laying down the gauntlet: if More doesn't approve of his divorce from Queen Catherine, then More is a traitor. That's a serious accusation. What's more, there's probably nothing that makes the rule-abiding More more nervous than the thought of being known as a treacherous traitor and unrepentant law-breaker.

Quote #3

MORE: [...] The currents and eddies of right and wrong [...] I can't navigate. [...] But in the thickets of the law, oh, there I'm a forester. I doubt there's a man alive who could follow me there. (1.690)

Although he quietly disapproves of the King's plans to divorce Queen Catherine, More is convinced that his superior knowledge of the law will keep him safe from any shady political maneuverings. In his head, that would be like someone trying to beat the Incredible Hulk in a "Getting Angry" contest. Not going to happen, chumps.