A Man for All Seasons Resources


The Center for Thomas More Studies

Fellow More junkies rejoice—this site will be your one-stop-shop for all things Sir Thomas More.

The Six Wives of King Henry VIII

This PBS site provides some soap-opera-worthy insight into King Henry and his prodigious marriage habits.

Movie or TV Productions

A Man for All Seasons (1966)

This 1966 adaptation of the play was written by Bolt himself and even features Orson Welles in a brief role. Score.

A Man for All Seasons Trailer

If you have a thing for classic trailers, then this sucka is going to scratch that itch.

Articles and Interviews

A Seven Point Plan to Survive King Henry VIII

This pithy article would've come in quite useful for old Thomas More.

On the Uncomfortable Matter of Beheadings and Executions

This heavy piece uses Thomas More as an example to make a broader point about the cultural impact of beheadings. Serious stuff.


The Story of Thomas More

This cute little animation gives us some additional historical insight into the life of Sir Thomas More.

The "Devil" Speech

Remember this one from the play? Here's a clip of it being performed in the film adaptation of A Man for All Seasons, and it's pretty awesome.


Literature's Lessons on Leadership

This fascinating radio piece from NPR uses A Man for All Seasons to make a broader point about good leadership.

Controversy Accompanies Pope's 2010 Visit to England

There was a ton of controversy surrounding the Pope's 2010 visit to England, which was the first since Henry's divorce. Some wounds cut deep, huh?


Thomas More

It's late at night, so we might just be sleepy, but More's pretty cute, huh?

Thomas Cromwell

Whoa—Cromwell looks like an evil, parallel universe version of More. If only he had a mustache.