Hypocrisy Quotes in A Man for All Seasons

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)

Quote #4

HENRY: [...] Now that's a wrestler's leg. But I can throw him. (Seizes NORFOLK) Shall I show them, Howard? (NORFOLK is alarmed for his dignity) (1.518)

Norfolk is alarmed because he knows thathe could kick Henry's butt from here to Timbuktu, but he also knows that doing so would be a borderline treasonous move. It's a funny thing, being a king, huh?

Quote #5

CROMWELL: We feel that, since you are [...] a friend of More's, your participation will show that there is nothing in the nature of a "persecution," but only the strict processes of law. (2.220)

Here's a pro-tip from us, Shmoopers: if you have to actively make something look less like a persecution, then you're probably persecuting someone. Unfortunately, Cromwell hardly agrees. He either wants More's signature on the dotted line or his head on a platter, and he doesn't care how he gets his results.

Quote #6

NORFOLK: [...] We're supposed to be the arrogant ones, the proud, splenetic ones—and we've all given in! Why must you stand out? (2.417)

More's steadfastness only highlights the spinelessness of his peers. In many ways, his mere existenceis a reminder of their weakness, their cowardice, and their hypocrisy. This goes double in Norfolk's case, as he and More were once as thick as thieves.