How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)
Quote #7
MORE: (With a sudden, contemptuous sweep of his arms) They are terrors for children, Master Secretary—an empty cupboard! To frighten children in the dark, not me. (2.375)
Oh, wow—More's coming out swinging. Although we know that he's scared on the inside, More puts on a good show of confidence during his confrontation with the shadiest politician in the game, "Crooked" Tommy Cromwell. Of course, More's utter hatred of the guy makes this epic verbal smack-down all the more satisfying.
Quote #8
MORE: (Turns to go, pauses. Desperately) May I see my family? (2.542)
Once again, we see that More's main concern is his family. At this point, he knows he's up the creek without a paddle, but he still holds out hope that his fam will be safe.
Quote #9
ALICE: [...] I don't believe this had to happen.
MORE: (His face is drawn) If you say that, Alice, I don't see how I'm to face it. (2.650-651)
By now, the family has come to terms with reality: More will either be in prison for the rest of his life, or executed for treason. Neither is a great option. As for More, he's finally being forced to face the reality of his fears.