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Why Should I? Videos 23 videos
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Why Should I Take a Diagnostic Exam? 485 Views
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We at Shmoop are all about being proud of your strengths. We also enjoy identifying your, uh, not-so-strengths so we can help you dominate them with a few well-placed ninja kicks. (If your brain could kick, anyway.) That's what our diagnostic exams are for. Don't think of them as tests; think of them as tools to help you figure out where to focus your review.
- 00:02
We'd need what's a diagnostic and why should i take
- 00:08
it all right Fair questions Let's Start with the what
- 00:14
diagnostic is similar to what a doctor performs on his
- 00:17
patients Patients give him a list of their symptoms He
- 00:20
checks him out turn your head and cough please and
Full Transcript
- 00:24
then the doctor tells them what gore disease they have
- 00:29
or don't have eye Yeah ok that's In real life
- 00:33
when it comes to test however a diagnostic assesses your
- 00:36
mental acumen rather than your physical well being This is
- 00:41
your brain yellow This is your brain in the form
- 00:45
of a test score Any questions Um diagnostic is a
- 00:49
kind of test which is a shorter version of the
- 00:51
actual test in fact it's just long enough so that
- 00:55
we can determine how healthy or sick you are in
- 00:58
terms of the test anyway way can't help you with
- 01:00
your car For example you may learn from the diagnostic
- 01:04
that you were close to dying in long passages on
- 01:07
the or that your ap spanish language skills are no
- 01:11
bueno So the diagnostic will give you a reasonable idea
- 01:17
of what you've got in the bag where you need
- 01:19
to improve Now on to the wine You may like
- 01:24
avoiding bad news but while the diagnostic maybe optional those
- 01:28
dreaded test you're forced to take are not If you
- 01:30
want to be a full fledged member of collegeville you
- 01:33
have to bite the bullet on this one Thie diagnostic
- 01:36
will surface the areas where you may be a little
- 01:38
weak so that you can hone your skills in preparation
- 01:41
for the big day And it doesn't make sense to
- 01:44
waste your time studying this stuff You already know if
- 01:47
you're already a master of science reasoning then part of
- 01:51
your prep shouldn't get the same amount of time is
- 01:54
the english portion If you do a terrible job on
- 01:58
the ap chemistry diagnostic it'll let you know It doesn't
- 02:02
mince words and you'll be aware that you should probably
- 02:05
eat sleep and breathe the periodic table for the next
- 02:07
couple of weeks to diagnose That can also help you
- 02:10
get your timing down with its nifty correct versus time
- 02:14
graft Don't set yourself up for success Shmoop sandy danny
- 02:18
diagnostics and you won't have to show up on test 00:02:21.123 --> [endTime] day with that deer in the headlights look
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