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Why Should I Take AP Calculus? (New) 138 Views
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Why should you take AP Calculus? Well, because AP Addition and Subtraction would be too easy.
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Why Should I Take AP Calculus? a la Shmoop.
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Tens of thousands of years ago, man discovered fire. [Cavemen gathered round campfire]
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A few weeks later, he figured out how to make weapons.
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And soon afterward…he developed calculus. [Caveman with paper of calculus]
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Wait a minute. This just in…we are actually being informed that the BC in “BC Calculus”
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does not stand for “before Christ.”
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Instead…it is just slightly more advanced stuff than what you would learn in AB calculus. [Lecture hall of students learning calculus]
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Here at Shmoop, we feel that everyone should take calculus.
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Yes…we admit it sounds scary, but calculus is going to be your new BFF… whether you like it or not. [BFF calculus appears beside a girl]
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Just think of him as an exchange student who’s living with you.
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You can barely understand a word he says at first…
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…but he’s not going anywhere for a while, so you might as well learn his language.
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In calculus, you will learn about functions…graphs…and limits.
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Create dizzying polar graphs, and take derivatives. It won’t hurt.
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Maybe you’ll even learn a few ultra-smooth pick-up lines while you’re at it. [Man holding calculus formula sign]
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“What’s your sign?”
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In calculus, you’ll be able to do things you never dreamt of before.
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Like…figure out when to sell your stocks, and strike gold. [Man holding cash and piles of gold land on top of him]
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Or launch your little brother into Earth’s orbit.
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Well…maybe you have dreamt of that one…
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The icing on your delicious lemon butternut calculus cake? [Man with a lemon calculus cake]
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You’ll gain life skills that will stay with you forever…no matter how many times you shower.
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You will learn to question accepted beliefs…
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…and to flaunt your individuality.
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In the end, you will emerge sharper and tougher than ever before… [Man graduating from college]
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…ready to take on the world.
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And, if not…at least you’ll have an endless supply of calculus puns to show off on your next date.
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So quiet your qualms.
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We’ll make sure you derive your way to a perfect five.
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