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Understanding and Analysis Across Genres Videos 39 videos
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Can you find the important difference between "Old Mistresses Apologue" and "Suggested Husbands for Fanny Burney"? Unfortunately, the answer isn't...
Can you figure out what the word "Commerce" means in the following passage?
Texas EOC English 2: 3.5 Understanding and Analysis Across Genres 171 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop du
- 00:05
jour Brought to you by snow What do you call
- 00:08
a snowman with a six pack and abdominal snowman Yeah
- 00:12
we went there baby Right there That's a six pack
- 00:15
on the snowman Okay you done skimming agler a club
Full Transcript
- 00:19
for cam ward's here for shmoop Okay we're done All
- 00:24
right This description of guests at it being in winter
- 00:26
implies that what And here the potential answers i'll ride
- 00:32
The context of this passage may not tell us a
- 00:35
whole lot about the eye place but it does give
- 00:38
us enough to nail down this answer as long as
- 00:40
we have a good grasp of the second sense Paragraph
- 00:43
two we'll be good to go So let's read it
- 00:44
right here A guest to stop But it being in
- 00:47
the winter time was an unheard of piece of luck
- 00:50
let alone a guest who was no hagler and she
- 00:53
was resolved to show herself worthy of her good fortune
- 00:57
All right b is the first answer on our chopping
- 01:00
block Mrs hall is really grateful to have a guest
- 01:03
which might make us think she's poor or that she
- 01:06
has a bates motel kind of scenario going on there
- 01:08
but that's probably different story of pastor doesn't give us
- 01:11
evidence of either We can also take d out of
- 01:14
the running The fact that mrs hall of grateful for
- 01:16
the visitor doesn't necessarily mean that she's usually ungrateful seriously
- 01:20
like spreading all these vicious rumors about mrs hall then
- 01:24
there's option a which says that all winter guests are
- 01:28
hagler Well yeah maybe but can know this for sure
- 01:32
like where on earth did that come from Just because
- 01:35
we know that mrs hall is glad the stranger isn't
- 01:37
a handler doesn't mean that we can assume that most
- 01:39
other gas during winter are well choice See is the
- 01:42
right answer the key phrases and unheard of piece of
- 01:46
luck which tells us that having a winter gas is
- 01:49
well really rare that we have a feeling that mrs
- 01:52
hall hasn't won the jackpot here with the invisible man 00:01:56.291 --> [endTime] Good luck
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