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Understanding and Analysis Across Genres Videos 39 videos
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Can you find the important difference between "Old Mistresses Apologue" and "Suggested Husbands for Fanny Burney"? Unfortunately, the answer isn't...
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Texas EOC English 2: 2.3 Understanding and Analysis Across Genres 171 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop too
- 00:05
sure brought to you by escape Remember to escape a
- 00:08
grizzly bear just climb a tree or was it run
- 00:11
away Look all right first check out this passage are
- 00:19
done reading We're done we're done we're done We're done
Full Transcript
- 00:21
Okay well we're just done skimming this thing because we
- 00:24
read it eighteen times already Based on the excerpt douglas
- 00:27
intends tio what and hear the potential answers Yeah Okay
- 00:35
well douglas hints that his future plans and paragraph two
- 00:38
so let's review that now if we need thio answer
- 00:40
b must not have taken the time to review paragraph
- 00:42
to douglas isn't too happy that he has to fork
- 00:46
over all the money he makes to master thomas however
- 00:48
douglas never says that he's going to stop giving the
- 00:51
money being a slave Well he doesn't really have a
- 00:54
choice Looks like sea slacked off on the way here
- 00:56
to slaves Don't really get a lot of say in
- 00:59
whether or not they work Yeah pound slavery socks right
- 01:03
there He doesn't have douglas pegged either Guess nobody wanted
- 01:08
to take the time to review the paragraph Even though
- 01:14
douglas situation looks hopeless last sentence in the paragraph tells
- 01:17
us that he's not willing to give up ay is
- 01:20
the correct answer Douglas hasn't found a way yet but
- 01:23
he plans to save whatever money he can to help
- 01:25
him in his escape Makes us saving up money for 00:01:29.638 --> [endTime] a new ipad Seem pathetic
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