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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing & Language: Using a Comma with a Subordinated List 12 Views
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The comma is a wonderful punctuation mark that plays many roles. In this SAT Writing video we analyze how it can set off a subordinated list!
- 00:01
All right shmoop er's moving down the road in highly
- 00:04
composited fancy metal cars were on six of eleven and
- 00:08
this one's focusing on the little phrase et here Industries
- 00:13
including so let's Go find that in the writing here
- 00:16
and we're skimming skimming and we go all the way
Full Transcript
- 00:18
down to paragraph three here Teaching job tito finished drinking
- 00:23
going on Here comes the institute has assembled a team
- 00:25
of organizations from across multiple industries comma including leading manufacturers
- 00:31
materials program software developers government in academia All right so
- 00:35
it's industries comma including what's the issue there Well then
- 00:38
look wrong to me The comma is a wonderful punctuation
- 00:41
mark that plays many roles it's setting off a subordinated
- 00:45
list meaning that the items following it the types of
- 00:49
industries are subordinate to the category Industries announced before it
- 00:53
writes of common kind of breaks it up gives the
- 00:55
reader of signal that well they're stepping down a notch
- 00:58
to read details A good test of whether or not
- 00:59
a comma is necessary is reading the sentence aloud or
- 01:03
in your head during a test and moving your lips
- 01:05
quietly without the comma beef The sentence leaves us out
- 01:09
Of breath Replacing the comma with and makes includes seemed
- 01:13
like a verb whose act or is the institute and
- 01:15
that doesn't make sense in fact anyway and is used
- 01:19
here Confuses matters since using it as a coordinating conjunction
- 01:23
well in this case makes it so The list of
- 01:25
industries isn't subordinate to industries overall so yeah no change
- 01:29
it's fine just go chill maybe with netflix and if
- 01:33
you're bored go see are owed to a freakin comma
- 01:36
video It won the shmoop e award finest video oberon 00:01:39.838 --> [endTime] comma
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