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SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
What do austronauts and Michael Jackson have in common? Watch this video on sentence structure to find out!
Its...or is it it's? Watch this SAT drill to help unravel that age old question.
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
SAT Writing & Language: Maintaining Parallel Structure with Verb Tenses 4 Views
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Do tenses confuse you? Watch this SAT Writing video to get some practice in
- 00:01
Arch members only two more of these things and focus
- 00:04
here is on having begun so well We've read this
- 00:08
thing eighteen times now So we're going to cruise down
- 00:11
to here second last paragraph because it was already producing
- 00:13
results with ford and relaxing having begun developing project next
Full Transcript
- 00:16
month to advance research on cost And i don't even
- 00:18
think about it Think about it So these two companies
- 00:23
will start a project next month In order to maintain
- 00:26
the sentence structure we need a verb ending in ing
- 00:29
to suggest the progressive action it's a jared it's happening
- 00:32
now and continuing to happen In other words we need
- 00:35
to show that the action will be happening or progressing
- 00:38
at a certain time and we have a time or
- 00:40
two tins problem here having plus a verb that ends
- 00:43
in is an example of the past part of simple
- 00:46
which is used when an action has already been completed
- 00:50
The project in the sentence won't start until next month
- 00:52
so there's no way it's already done so get rid
- 00:54
of a though the companies will also be having a
- 00:57
joint development project joint development Actually having the project doesn't
- 01:02
describe what they'll be doing with it began past tense
- 01:06
of begin is impossible without time travel since project doesn't
- 01:09
start until next month So yeah it's be beginning that's
- 01:12
what you replace it with and well then we're done
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